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Another Networking Mixer with LA Castings Yet It Could Be My...

I'm trying to play catch up with blog so please bare with me. This post showcases my attendance at another LA Casting Networking Mixer on March 1st.  I also attended on Day 16 & Day 135.

Its a what you make it experience. Nothing special came out of this particular mixer but there were two gentlemen that was thoroughly impressed with my boldness to become a late night talk show host. The main reason is because they realize the difficultly and have never known of anyone to take on such an epic undertaken. In my own words, I told them, "I might have a better chance becoming president of the united states, because hosts like Jay Leno and David Letter have been there for decades. Those guys don't want to leave but it doesn't matter. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but its going to get down."

Imagine me alittle bit tipsy while saying that. Hey, don't judge. I only drink when there is an open bar. I rarely NEVER purchase.

Kevin, Motown Maurice, Kim Stives & Irving
Irving gave me a brief interview on day 77. Check out the video. Irving is The Greatness One.

Motown Maurice & two people
I've had some decent moments at the LA casting Networking Mixer but I am anticipating this one to be my last one for a while. Or at least my last one of two for a while. Why? Because my demands have been set (March Madness Demands).

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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