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The Man's Machine

Hi everybody! How was your Friday? Mine was quiet and with good company, my dearest Laia and Rocío! Laia and I went to Rocio's house this evening just for a talk about our imminent trip to Berlin on January... guess what? We've got the tickets!! So, from January the 15th until the 20th, you could find us at Berlin!!

And after this short notice, I would like to thank you! Yes, you all! Finally, I've got 101 followers, I cannot believe it! When I started blogging I never imagined I would have more than 30 followers... but here I am, thank you all, who read me, comment me and encourage me about continuing this project. Thank you so much, it means the world to me!

Today I dyed my hair, yes! It's red, of course, but the colour is so brilliant now!

I love how red looks on me!

And my lovely Cris came this evening to my home with this lovely cakes... they were so delicious! I made some coffee and we had a little chat; since she's studying for her exams I haven't seen her in weeks! But of course, her exams are more important than me!

I think I haven't told you before, but I'm a translator and writer in a small blog about the series "Skins". Some time ago I translated an interview we did with questions from fans at Ollie Barbieri; the guy who plays JJ in the third season of the series... and I would like to share it with you here. I think that you can read the interview in Spanish and English here at Skins, El foro; but if you can't, please, tell me and I'll blog about it! The only thing that I can say about Ollie is that he's really cute and very smart, and he was so kind and friendly!

At the moment we're trying to contact the rest of the cast... I would like to interview Jack O'Connell; he plays Cook in the third season, a character adored by some and hated by others, but certainly not indifferent for the fans of the series.

The cast at FHM Magazine

Have you ever see "Skins"? Which one is your favourite character from the 1st and 2nd generation?

And before I leave, one thing more... the title of this post is a Jamie T's song; I adore his music and if you haven't listened to him, you should!

Enjoy your weekend :)! And again... thanks for being there!

PS: I forgot it, yesterday I was (again) the cover of Trendtation... here you can see the picture!

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