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Baby Pictures!

I promised baby pictures and pictures you will get!

Yesterday our daughter, Greta, gave birth to Toby Dale at 11:35 am. We were thrilled to receive a picture of the baby about an hour and a half later. Isn't technology great? Last evening as we were getting ready to go see him (and his parents, too, of course!) I was reminiscing how it must have been for my mom when her first grandchild was born in Florida. She had to wait for actual photos to come in the mail to see her granddaughter, then travel by car about 4 weeks later to see her. My goodness, I had just minutes to go see this baby (he's not even my first, he's #11......10 grands, 1 great-grand) and I could hardly wait to get there.


Toby Dale,
we are in Love!!

Pop Pop and Ellen admire this sweet baby!

Nana is thrilled to pieces!

Mama with her new baby boy.

How different it is today.
In the 70's when I was a new mom,
I got my babies when it was time to feed them. 
They spent way more time in the nursery than in my arms.
So glad that has all changed!!

Sweet family!
Big brother, Carson, was coming later 
to meet the baby.

We didn't stay long of course. 
Mama was feeling good but she had a rather big day!
Daddy too.


Look who showed up since my post yesterday....

Baby Jesus!

Zoe said she found him hiding behind the curtain of her ballet toy.
Hmm, I bet a boy named Noah put him there =)

The gifts were placed under this tree today.

Zoe told me that I did a lot of decorating inside the house but not outside.

Pop Pop put out this tree earlier this week.
Zoe was so pleased to see the gifts!

The poor deer with half the lights not working was put out today too.

The beautiful lights in the distance belong to several neighbors.
We do have a pretty neighborhood!

Lighted houses =)

After visiting the new baby,
we went to Target.
I purchased a power strip.....
It just sorta jumped right into my cart, it did!

The basket of Christmas books came out of the attic today too.

I think we're getting finished ;-)

Merry Christmas!

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