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Because You Asked... New Secret Dead Blog HQ Revealed!

Here's the new Mission Control. I know, it looks very neat, and you probably think this is just because I've just set up my new office. Writers are supposed to be sloppy, right? Wrong. As the Bride can tell you, I'm ridiculously anal about my desk. Everything on it must be properly aligned, otherwise I can't work. The desk is a reflection of my mind, and things have to be in order. Just to fuck with me, the Bride will often leave certain items dropped oh so casually on my desktop. Or she'll push my mousepad to one side. Or tilt the screen. Spill a box of matches everywhere. And it drives me insane, especially when I have to instantly count every little fucking match in 1.3 seconds.

Anyway, sorry to disappoint. Let's move on with a little annotation.

1. This is where I keep paper outlines, notes, etc. until I'm ready to deal with them. (In this photo, you're looking at top secret beat sheets for future issues of Immortal Iron Fist.) Don't know why I put them on top of my printer. I just do.

2. My paper At-A-Glance dayminder book. Fuck iCal and all of that shit. I keep appointments old school.

3. The place where my beverage sits. In the morning, it's Diet Coke. Midday, a glass of juice. Evening, a beer and/or scotch. Right now: tall can of Sapporo. The can doubles as a weapon, which I like.

4. The screen that will someday be responsible for my total blindness.

5. Where the magic happens. (No, not that magic.)

6. This mug has been holding my pens and pencils since 1993, and it was stolen from McGlinchey's, my favorite dive bar in Philly. A mug of sweet beer in one of these things would run you 60 cents, which is how I was able to afford booze during my late college/early job days. Still, I figured McGlinchey's owed me a little something special, so late one drunken night I finished the last sip and shoved this heavy glass sweetheart into my bag.

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