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Busy Working From Home

Do any of you work from home?  I find it so exciting that we are able to send documents and complete business transactions  remotely these days.  No having to drive to an office  saves you so much money on gas, clothing, food, time and energy.  If you are disciplined, you can get a tremendous amount of work done from your living space.  I like being able to have my meals simmering on the stove  and a load of laundry tossing  in the washing machine as I'm typing or editing. 

For me, it helps to get a cardio workout done early in the day.  During the summer, Lula thrives on a routine of walking or running alongside my bicycle while it's still cool outside.  Yesterday we hiked the Pacific Crest Trail.  Halfway through our route, we ran into a loose dog that we used to see regularly on a trail that we hiked a few months ago.  I had switched my ritual, trying to avoid an exuberant Australian shepherd and the difficult couple that own him.  They refuse to put their dog on a leash, and I was getting tired of the stress of our conflicting attitudes.  Tempers had escalated.  I thought it was kind of funny that we met up with them again.  I just veered off the path with Lula and made a half circle.  Their  dog is still charging around, completely out of their control, but at least he is happy and fairly friendly.  If you ask them to get him so that you can pass, they yell at you.  Since I hike to relax and connect with nature, I now just avoid the conflict.

How is your summer going? 

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