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There, and back again.

Did you miss me ?

I've been away, visiting family in Ottawa.

Here is the cute little plane that took me there.

It was so little you had to duck your head to get in.

Take-off was delayed, until after we got de-iced.

And then we were off, quickly rising into the air.  In no time, we were above the clouds, in bright sunshine.

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I used to be very frightened of flying.  I was downright embarrassing.  I'd sob and clutch the arms on my chair with white knuckles.  But even the most fearful among us cannot sustain a crying-jag for the full duration of a flight.  In my misery I'd stare out the window, contemplating the ridiculousness of hurtling through air while trapped in a heavy metal container.  Somewhere along the way, I began to marvel at the view.  I'd point my camera out the window, and forget to be scared.   The fearfulness got tediousness, while my thrill at the wonder of FREAKIN' FLYING grew and grew.

What you see from a plane is pure MAGIC !

In winter it seems even more so.

These photos were taken as we were descending into the Ottawa airport.

I was sorry that the flight was almost over.

But family and friends were waiting.

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