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So.....many people have been posting on social media sites this month about being thankful.  The, "thirty-day thankful lists", are quite prevalent and meaningful.  But, they mostly state the obvious.  You know....we are all thankful for our parents, children, homes, etc....  However, I read a lady's post and she was thankful for water.  And, not just water, but how it ran freely into her home.  Really?  

Yes, really.  AND, it made me think of how I take this simple thing for granted. 

I am sure I have mentioned more than a few times about how I live in a creaky, old house that was built well before indoor plumbing was considered a necessity.  

We all need water.  The cows, who won't stay in their fenced pasture, need it.  

The flowers in the garden need water as well as dogs, people, crops.....and well, I could go on and on.  

In the late 1970's, and I should say pressing into 1980, my grandmother, known as Bird, did not have regular plumbing in her house.  Now, I should clarify that she did have a sink in the kitchen and a sink in the bathroom.  If you wanted to call it a bathroom.....  In her house there was not a bath tub, shower, or toilet.  Yes, I said there was not a toilet.  You used the outhouse, or in the night, the....., "night jar", and that is all I am going to say about that.  

When it came time to do the laundry the clothes were taken out to the smokehouse building where the washing machine was stored.  I do remember that it resembled this image with the spot of red, white finish and wheels.  It was plugged into a spot of electricity and the tub was filled with water.  The clothes were washed/rinsed and then sent through the wringer.  Thank heavens I never felt the need to stick my finger into the wringer.  Clothes were hung on the line to dry and all was well. 

Remembering all of this REALLY makes me thankful for the water options that I have in my modern home.  I have the usual facilities....dishwasher, multiple bathrooms, washer/dryer.  I cannot imagine doing laundry in the smokehouse when it is 35 degrees outside and then hanging the clothes out to dry.  

Yes water, I am thankful for you.  

And, for all of those other little things in life that operate like tiny cogs in the wheel that keep daily life turning. 

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