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Challenge Day 14 - Entry #3: 15mm Swiss Halberdiers

They've been up on Curt's blog for a few days, so I'm definitely clear to post them here. My third entry for this year's Challenge was a bunch of 72 Swiss halberdiers. The figures are 15mm from Donnington Miniatures and were (as with all my previous Swiss) painted to represent proportionally all the cantons present at Morat. This batch took me just about 2 days to paint and base.

These halberdiers complete my Swiss army for now. At some point I may decide to add a few more bases of them, particularly if I decide that I want to go for early Swiss (else my army would be rather small!).

I have done a bit more work on my next 15mm project. As nobody has commented, I might as well tell you what they are - 18 Korean crossbowmen and 80 Korean arquebusiers. If all goes to plan, I should be able to finish these on Monday and submit them in time to go up before the end of 2013.

I've also begun work on my entry for the Villain bonus theme. The parts have been washed and I've started assembling it. I need to do a little bit of Milliput work to add some extra touches to the figure.

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