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It’s All About the Slaw!

Hello from Quilt Villa!

Sadie and I made the journey this morning and have been settling in and enjoying the cooler temps the mountain provides.

You can tell the humidity is high.

the mountains are hazed over, a ghost of themselves.  It’s been about a month since I’ve been up here ---can’t believe it’s been that long, and things are green and lush and summer is fully upon us.

I am turning my attention toward family and a long holiday weekend.  Is there anything better?

Something happens to me the moment I unpack the groceries.  I want to cook!  I want to provide yummy food for my family.  This doesn’t often happen at home, where work is ever-present and schedules have us all going in opposite directions making a “together” meal time a rare occasion.

But up here?  FOOD HAPPENS!

Today I felt like making a big batch of cole slaw so I thought I’d share my favorite recipe with you.
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