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Final Stretch

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest...except when you're moving across the country. Then, it's a day of sheer exhaustion. We filled another ten feet of the moving bin today. We've got about five feet to go, and we still have to put patio furniture, dining room chairs, a desk, a lounging chair...and we've got until Tuesday morning to get it done. It's the most challenging game of 3D Tetris I've ever played.

Still, it was a good day for getting stuff done. The paperwork for the other end is completed, and the trip is planned out. All we need to do is finish stuffing the bin, locking it up tight, and pack up the trailer and vehicles for the road. Oh, and my son and I are, of course, still working our jobs right up until the end. Because why shouldn't we drive ourselves completely mental in this process?

Friday is the big day, the day we're officially homeless until we get to Prince Edward Island. I'm looking forward to it, not least because we're arriving on my fiftieth birthday. Now that is how you celebrate a milestone birthday, with a new house.

I hope I'll be able to resume regular blogging and a proper writing schedule after that. I've still got lots of ideas percolating, not to mention another Cameron Vail mystery to finish writing. Yes, I was working on one when this whole moving thing got started, and I've been a wee bit sidetracked. But it's going to happen once we're arrived and at least partially unpacked. I, for one, can't wait.

I made my wife a promise, too; once we get there, I'm done with the whole political scene. We'll still vote in the local elections, but I'm not going to waste any more of my time discussing political issues online and getting into debates with people I don't know. Life is too important to waste with that now. No, once we get there, the focus is going to be the 3 Fs: Faith, family, and farm. And writing, but that doesn't start with an 'F'.

I'll be posting more Traveller stuff soon, maybe even tomorrow if we get the bin finished in time. In the meantime, you can always read some science fiction, like Bard Conley's Adventures Across the Solar System, available now at an Amazon website near you.

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