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Week 500: Free Exceptions

Weekly Written Review 

My father was rushed to the hospital last week, not because of the Coronavirus. He had pneumonia and other health issues. Every day since this happened my mother and I spoke. After calling the hospital she updated me. Every time she called, my heart paused, waiting to assess the tone of her voice. At one point my mom told me he was on life support.

His breathing problems continued but we kept hope alive because his vitals were strong. Yet, the status of one of his lungs did not sound good. One day he went a few hours breathing on his own. The following day or so, he needed the ventilator again.

On Friday, my mom informed me of his best status since he arrived at the hospital. He took off the ventilator and told the nurse, "I want to go home." This is great news and a relief for my mother and I. Since then, my father has been giving the nurses a hard time. When he's giving people that are trying to help him a hard time, he's doing well and it's a great sign. My father is at his best when he's being stubborn.

In creative news, I completed and sent off my first television pilot script to a B.E.T. contest. It's been a long time coming with this idea. Yes, I did claim I'm retired from contests submissions but this one is free. I'll always make an exception for free.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

* ACNH Bunny Day... Turnip!

* Update: Papa not breathing well. Low spirited day.

* Long walk, 2.2 miles

* Watching Better Call Saul

* Wrote CB's logline

Monday, April 13, 2020

* C&B rewrite intensive continues...

* Watching Dune...

* Update: Papa is a little better. Breathing better.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

* Working the Stalk Market. Made over 1 million bells

* CB editing, reading through it...

* Update: Papa is getting better

* 1 year M&A anniversary...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

*CB submission to a BET contest

* Best Buy game pick up... Crash Team Racing, Mario & Sonic at the Olympics and ACNH for At...

* Stim check came in

Thursday, April 16, 2020

* Running... 1.6 miles at 15.24 mins. Note to self, run on a lighter stomach.

* C&B rewrite intensive continues...

* Watching Better Call Saul

Friday, April 17, 2020

* Fedx drop off...

* Writing CB synopsis...

* Update: Great news! Papa told the nurse, "I want to go home". :-D

* Watching Better Call Saul...

Saturday, April 18, 2020

* C&B rewrite intensive continues...

* Ralph's...

* Watching Better Call Saul

* Watching Labyrinth

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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