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#stitchingsanta Reveal 2016

This Christmas, I once again took part in the #stitchingsanta swap which Sheila hosts on her Sewchet blog. It's a great swap for crafters as the gifts are to be, mainly, craft related. There's two categories, knitting/crochet and sewing and I opted for the first.

Instead of Sheila allocating swap partners, it's done as a secret swap, so I knew who I was to send a gift to but didn't know who was sending one to me. It turned out that Rosina at Zeens And Roger blog was to send me a gift and I received a lovely parcel of squishiness.

I've never used Paintbox Yarns before so I'm looking forward to trying out this lovely yarn. Rosina has chosen three colours which compliment each other so I'll have to think of a special project for it.

Rosina had also made me some wonderful tree ornaments, a crochet bauble, two sparkly felt Christmas trees and a toadstool, very cute.

Along with the above I received this cute cherry brooch.

Thank you so much, Rosina, I love everything you sent.

The person I was to send a gift to was Kim at The Material Lady blog. I hadn't come across this blog before so it was great fun looking through Kim's past posts to find out more about her and the things she likes and enjoys.

These are most of the gifts I sent.

I saw from Kim's blog that she enjoys knitting socks so I chose a skein of Knitglobal sock yarn and two balls of Drops Fabel for Kim to knit herself a couple of pairs of socks.

Kim isn't just a knitter, she enjoys sewing too, so I thought she might enjoy Mollie Makes magazine which showcases lots of different crafts. There was also a cute dachshund brooch kit with this month's issue.

I popped another kit in Kim's parcel, this time for a knitted purse.

When I saw The Great Christmas Knit Off by Alexandra Brown on the shelf in the bookshop I knew I had to include this in the parcel. Kim's emailed me to let me know that she's read and enjoyed it over the Christmas period and she's offered to send it back to me so that I can read it myself. How lovely is that?

Eleanor bought me one of these row counters for my birthday and they're so handy so I thought I'd include one, as well as a spool of ribbon and some Made With Love charms.

I wrote about the shawl I'd made in my Nurmilintu post but I didn't mention who it was for just in case my #stitchingsanta recipient was reading. I can now reveal that this is who the Nurmilintu shawl was for.

No parcel would be complete without a little chocolate so some Green & Black's Miniatures were also popped in the parcel, and some flavoured tea too, though I forgot to take a photo of that.

Kim sent me a lovely email letting me know how much she liked everything and she also thanked me in her Yucky/Lovely December post too. If you haven't discovered Kim's blog I can recommend you go and take a look.

So that's the #stitchingsanta swap over for another year, it's been great fun again, thank you for organising it, Sheila.

I'm still opening the wonderful gifts I'm receiving in the Twelve Days Of Christmas swap so I'll show you those later in January. I've thoroughly enjoyed taking part in some Christmas swaps again this year.

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