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  Remember last week I started a 12 week online course where I will be creating a design book which will lead to a finished piece.
  Well these are my first pages, created by looking at the images on the left of the book which is the work of textile artist BARBARA JEPSON and is my starting point.  On the right you can see I have collaged images that I have found in magazines and my own scrap drawers.
 Not wanting to limit myself to one colour palette at this stage I experimented with different colours.
 This week I am going to be looking at shapes  and doing some drawing and more research.  A plan is forming in my mind to make a half apron and some framed artwork, but that could all change as the weeks go on.
Its been fascinating to see what themes others are working to and we seem to be a very lively group who all encourage one another.  A lot like WOYWW.  

Check out what others have got on their desks this week at WOYWW

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